Gender equality and career paths at TEAM
Gaining and sharing knowledge has always been a driver for Silvia. Starting out in her career she wanted to improve her English skills and experience a different culture. Rather than signing up for a 6-month course abroad like many Swiss, she instead enrolled at a Californian college to complete a 2-year Associates degree, which she then extended to a 4-year Bachelor’s degree (despite already having a Finance degree from her native Switzerland). She ended up living in the USA for eight years and, four years later, returned a second time to complete her MBA.
Back in Switzerland and working at TEAM, that drive to upskill herself and those around her continues. For example, Silvia realised that new joiners often haven’t had the opportunity to be onsite at football matches and see their work come to life. To address this, Silvia took the initiative to organise local venue shadowing opportunities for interested colleagues. She reached out to the operations team and, together, they found a way to make it happen.
“There’s so much value in seeing the full picture – understanding the lead-up to the event, the challenges, the environment. If we’re working daily with partners, it’s important to truly understand what happens on match day. To witness the excitement around the competition and the breadth of work it takes to organise such premium events. Everyone should have that opportunity.”
Likewise, as Commercial Strategy Lead, she is privy to frequent leadership and personal development courses. Afterward, she finds ways to share whatever she has learned with colleagues at all levels, often organising follow-up presentations. Besides her broad experience within the Sponsorship world, her background in Marketing and Psychology come into play daily.
“I’m conscious to make an effort so that everyone feels included and has access to the knowledge I do. We all benefit from understanding each other better, knowing what matters to us personally and utilising that to work together more effectively.”
The growth-orientated and inclusive culture at TEAM makes it possible for Silvia to share her passions and help expand those around her. It was also what motivated her to re-join TEAM after leaving to do her MBA in the US and then work at the IOC.
I believe in TEAM’s leadership. I feel they are genuinely interested in staff’s well-being and that makes me want to contribute, to go above and beyond.
Are you interested in experiencing TEAM’s unique culture first-hand? Check out our Careers page to learn more about Life at TEAM and our open roles.