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Greener Games Initiative

During Matchday 5, TEAM and UEFA worked with BT Sport and RTL Germany on an exciting collaborative project to showcase a growing movement toward more sustainable production.

Collaboration for more sustainable TV production

Traditional broadcast opertions are very labour- and energy-intensive. However, new technology and a stronger focus on sustainability for UEFA’s media partners can bring real benefits.

TEAM’s Head of Media Production, Hannah Aitchison and UEFA’s Senior Commercial and Broadcast Operations Manager, Yoann Monsch saw the opportunity to showcase media partners initiatives in this area, as part of a rapidly growing movement across Europe. Together they drove forward the Greener Games initiative with UEFA’s FSR team, collaborating with UEFA’s media partners to encourage a more sustainable approach to match production.

One of the first media partners to join was BT Sport, who have ambitious targets to cut carbon emissions and become one of the greenest broadcasters. Next up was RTL Germany, who also identified ambitious targets to hit for carbon emissions reductions.

Cloud production and green energy

BT Sport produced their Matchday 5 UEFA Youth League (UYL) match entirely using innovative cloud production techniques. Moving the TV production of a UYL match to the cloud drastically reduces the number of personnel and equipment onsite. Instead of an OB Van, satellite truck, multiple generators and 24 people onsite, cloud production requires one transit van, six cameras/backpacks and only eight people onsite. Not only does this reduce the amount of energy consumption onsite, but it also reduces the transportation logistics – minimising the overall carbon footprint. Remote production is inherently more sustainable, while also providing the media partner with more flexibility and a better work/life balance for their staff. As a result of the Greener Games project, this remote production method is now approved for all of BT’s future six camera UYL productions. With constantly evolving technology supporting more complex cloud productions, in the future UECL, UEL and potentially UCL coverage could also be produced in this way.

RTL Germany selected two UEFA Europa League Matchday 5 matches (Union Berlin & Freiburg) as part of their Green Production Project to be carbon neutral by 2030. A benefit to these matches was that the clubs themselves utilise green power at the stadiums, allowing RTL Germany to utilise a sustainable energy source for their power-heavy OB vans. In addition, RTL Germany is focused on smaller, more achievable ways to begin their Green journey – using rechargeable batteries for the microphones, providing vegan catering for the entire staff, using electric vehicles when possible and recycling all materials onsite.

Expanding the initiative

There is definitely room for the Greener Games initiative to expand – to more stakeholders (clubs, sponsors) as well as with more impactful measures. In fact, BT Sport, UEFA, and TEAM are hosting a Cloud Production Showcase today in London - providing a unique opportunity for media partners to see behind the scenes and discuss this important topic.

Sustainable TV production should be a priority across Europe and there are many ways to achieve this, whether through smaller tactics like RTL Germany or by bringing the TV production workflow to the cloud, like BT Sport. The widespread adoption of remote production could very much be part of the future landscape and contribute significantly to the broadcast industry’s sustainability efforts. TEAM and UEFA are proud to help support the media and sponsor partners to continue to create Greener Games across the UEFA club competitions.

Further reading